

Windmolens worden ieder jaar groter en daardoor gaan de kosten per geproduceerde kwh omlaag.
Ook de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van kleine windmolens gaan door. Naast hor. as windmolens worrdt er gewerkt aan vert. as windmolens, welke beter geschikt zijn voor locaties met een variabele windrichtingen, zoals in de nabijheid van huizen i.t.t. tot open vlaktes.


Windmolen met horizontale
Windmolen met horizontale as
Windgenerator met verticale as
Windgenerator met verticale as

WES (Wind Energy Solutions)WES50

The WES50, with a rotor diameter of 20 meters, is especially designed for areas with lower wind speed (class III).

This two bladed wind turbine, with a new cover, is a reliable 50kW midsize wind turbine giving a high performance. 

The mechanical part of the WES50 is based on the original, proven design from 1983. 

For the electrical parts providing power conversion and control, the latest technology is used. WES50 turbines are manufactured and exported by WES in the Netherlands,

WES50 Main characteristics

Low cut-in wind speed, of 3 m/sec

High performance (With 6.5 m/s wind outputs 215.500 kWh/year)

Ideal turbine for average wind speeds up to 7,5 m/sec.